
My Biggest Love and Passion is Knitting

Hi, I’m Tania and my biggest love and passion is knitting. I was a little girl when I found a piece of yellowing lace in my grandma’s dresser and I felt totally enchanted by it. I begun exploring and experimenting and I quickly learned how to knit.

My interest in this handcraft hasn’t passed during my life journey. On the contrary, the more I have been knitting, the more my desire to create something beautiful and unique has been increasing. Knitting, creating new forms, patterns and models and bringing joy to my family and friends and their friends is the most special gift for me. Therefore, I’ve decided to open my own virtual shop and I really hope you will find there something special for yourself or for someone dear! This will make me very happy! I am the only person who is working on my Etsy shop.

All the best to everybody,

P.S. Vous pouvez aussi me contacter en français.


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